Window Replacement
Gastonia, NC

Gastonia is the kind of community you can really get lost in. Whether losing yourself in one of the local parks as you enjoy the greenery with your furry little friends, you’re exploring the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden for hours, or you decide to scale the Crowders Mountain State Park, there’s something for everyone to lose themselves in truly. Despite the town’s continual growth over the last decade, it remains firmly rooted in community. As part of the community, you help make Gastonia a wonderful place to live. This is true for your home as well. In some ways, your home is your personal business card to the city. Neighbors walk past it, and visitors may drive by, all while your home presents itself to the world around it.

One way to maintain the curb appeal of your home is to update your home’s windows. It might not be as exciting as a new kitchen or bathroom, but utilizing the window replacement Gastonia services available will bring all kinds of benefits. If you’re curious about updating your windows or want to compare the possible benefits of a window upgrade versus other house improvements, here are some of the many benefits you can expect to take advantage of should you opt for new windows.

Boost Property Value

The most obvious benefit to your window replacement is also one of the biggest reasons why you should consider such an update. By installing new windows into your home, you will instantly add value to the property. This is especially desirable if you are interested in selling your home at some point over the next few years. Having new windows also makes your home more desirable to potential buyers as it is one less thing they will need to handle after buying the property.

Possible Tax Rebate

For 2023, as stated by EnergyStar you can qualify for up to a 30% tax rebate (up to $600) in federal tax rebates when installing new windows. This is just free money, so if you’re currently on the fence regarding which home improvement task you should take care of, the added money back in your pocket with the tax rebate may be enough to convince you to go with the new window option.

While you can only claim up to $600 for the current year, if the tax rebate remains for 2024, it might be possible to split your window installation into two projects, at which case it may prove possible to double your window return rebate. The best way to determine if your home can qualify for such money-saving opportunities is to contact the staff at Macaw Construction Services, LLC and talk to the customer service staff about possible financial tax rebates.

Improve Energy Efficiency

If the windows in your home are on the older side, you likely are losing a great deal of hot and cold throughout the course of the year. Glass is good at many things, but insulation is not one of them. This is why double and triple-pane windows have grown in popularity over the years. The panes of Glass, plus the buffer space placed between the Glass, help reduce if not completely eliminate, the temperature loss your home experiences. This means your HVAC system will not have to work as hard to keep your home’s internal temperature, which helps you reduce your energy consumption, all while saving money every time you open your energy bill.

Cut Down On Allergies

Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? If so, you need to maintain your home’s HVAC system and spring for new windows. Upgraded windows will reduce the possibility of outdoor pollen and other allergens entering your home. This way, you can live and sleep more easily while inside the house.

Request Your Price Quote Today

If you are considering window upgrades for your home, the next step is to consult with our staff here at Macaw Construction Services, LLC. Our team is on hand to answer all your questions and provide you with a no-obligation price quote. There are various window options to choose from, ranging from the level of energy efficiency you are interested in all the way to how the window opens.

Get the ball rolling on your window upgrade; there’s never been a better time to contact the staff here at Macaw Construction Services, LLC than today or at your earliest convenience.


*Macaw Construction Services LLC provides free estimates to homeowners looking for home renovations. Requests from Realtors for appraisals to help a house tenant looking to make repairs or for a listing is subject to an inspection fee.